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Magyar örökség - Templomok (angol) - Hungarian Heritage - Churches (English)

3.400 Ft (3.238 Ft + ÁFA)
Kiadó: Kossuth
Cikkszám: 231099094
Vonalkód: 9789630990943
Szerezhető hűségpontok: 171
Elérhetőség: Nincs készleten
This book introduces the most beautiful and most valuable examples of places of worship of many religions from the 11th and 12th centuries to the present day. It follows the history of sacred architecture from the first churches and synagogues to the contemporary, ecumenic temples, the changes in the liturgy and the different architectural trends.


The pictures come to life: iconic structures, like St Stephen's Basilica, Matthias Church or the Synagogue on Dohány Street in Budapest, and many less well-known, but equally beautifully executed buildings like the Votive Church in Mohács, the Greek Orthodox Chruch in Szentendre, the Lutheran Church in Siófok or the Mosque of Pasha Quasim in Pécs.

The readers can learn a lot about the founders and builders of these structures, the most renowned architects and artisans in Hungarian history, who made the most breath-taking frescoes, altar paintings, statues and stained-glass windows.


Kiadási év 2017
Kiadó Kossuth
Nyelv angol
Szerző Baldavári Eszter


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